I finally got around to finishing off the last of my fonts I’ve digitized over the last 2 decades to master into BX fonts for Embrilliance products and individual stitch file designs for other embroidery programs. The current count is somewhere just over 500!
Let Me Make You As Crazy As I Feel:

Font Bundle 1

Font Bundle 2

Font Bundle 3
How They Come
The fonts in the Alphabets section of the shop are all stitch file fonts. Originally they were only available in BX format but I’ve since had my arm twisted to include a machine file format. Older fonts may still only have the BX but the mega bundles all have both BX and DST.
You can get them:
- An an individual alphabet in a specific size
- As a set with anywhere from 2 to 7 sizes or styles
- In one of several “mega” bundles:
- Mega Bundle 1: 160 BX fonts + DST files (1 for each character)
- Mega Bundle 2: 197 BX fonts + DST files (1 for each character)
- Mega Bundle 3: 175 BX fonts + DST files (1 for each character)
- Ultra Mega Bundle: ALL fonts in the above bundles in BX and DST
Mega Bundles 1 through 3 are organized by release date sequence and therefore include a variety of styles.
All fonts are instant download so you can have them NOW!
It pains me to offer these fonts so cheap. I used to pay $125 for just one font! All these fonts were manually digitized. I didn’t just format fonts that came with my software or use some TrueType conversion utility!
So Are These Really the Last Fonts Ever?
Well, probably not. But they are likely the last stitch file fonts I’ll do. Making stitch file fonts is a PAIN!
I like digitizing fonts but making 4 different sizes, optimizing each size for density, compensation, and underlay, and then copying and pasting each character into a separate file and then saving it with a proper name is TEDIOUS!!
Then of course I have to map them in AlphaTricks to make a keyboard font for Embrillance and EmbroideryWorks users.
And I don’t wanna do that part! Which is why I had so many unfinished fonts.
Technically, they weren’t unfinished because I could use them as object-based keyboard fonts with full control and closest point options in the program I digitized them in. They just weren’t in any format someone who didn’t have Punto (which is pretty much everyone else with embroidery software these days) could use.
What If You Have Floriani FTCU Software?
If you have FTCU, you’re in luck. Well, sorta… you will have to do a little work but it really isn’t all that hard.
Just download the DST versions and you can map them yourself.
Why can’t I do that? Because I don’t have that software! And it’s just a bit too pricey for me to do this one thing.
To see how to do that, I tracked down this YouTube video on how to import and map stitch file fonts into Floriani FTCU.
But I Need PES (or HUS, JEF, VP3, etc.)
Actually, no, you don’t need those formats.
I started out only providing BX because combining single letters one at a time to build a line of text is tedious. Most machines can read DST and certainly any embroidery software that runs on today’s operating systems can import DST.
And you should be using embroidery software with alphabets like these because managing them solely at your machine is a pain in the you-know-what.
DST was added only as a courtesy and for those who have embroidery programs who can perform mapping. FTCU is one and there are probably others. Check your manual to see if you have appropriate software.
Do keep in mind that even though you’ve created a keyboard font, you are still technically working with stitch files and they won’t act like native fonts with closest point capabilities.
What About Hatch?
Most of these fonts are older fonts I digitized in Punto. Neither Punto fonts nor stitch file fonts can be added to the Hatch font menu.
A handful were done in Wilcom and will be available soon. Not next week soon!Â
I have few other deadlines I need to meet before I can get back to these.
Do check out the ESA fonts, shapes, and motifs!