With Hatch, you can open a stitch file and turn it into a real Hatch embroidery object file. It’s not instant but its also not all that hard. I’ll guide you through taking a freebie design and making it more interesting.
To keep the video short, I didn’t show you everything I did to make the new version but if you have a basic understanding of the Hatch tools, you’ll be able to complete a project like this yourself.
While this is a pretty basic tutorial, if you’re brand new to Hatch, I’m probably a bit above your head. Watch the other Hatch videos on this channel more more basic videos. I do use a lot of hotkeys and they are annotated in the video.
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Try Hatch for Free
Hatch works natively on Windows and runs well on Parallels on a Mac. Four levels are available to suit your needs. Upgrade as your skills and needs advance.
Native EMB formats are included with LindeeG sets digitized in Wilcom software.