Mesh Folder

Project Description
Yes, you can stitch on screening! This happens to be nylon window replacement screen from the hardware store but you can also find screening in a range of colors.
I combined designs from the Leaves Building Blocks to create a corner design.
In the photo here, I’ve hooped wash-away stabilizer and stitched a basting placement guide, which I digitized. This is easy digitizing – just click around the design and add a running stitch (a good reason to add Stitch Artist Level 1 to your toolbox!).
Next, I applique double-stick embroidery tape along the outside of the basting guide then placed my screening.
I stitched my design in red and then sewed it up with a red zipper and red seam binding. This one is sized to organize papers.
Designed and made by Lindee Goodall (03/28/2012)