ITH Snappy Glasses Cases

Project Description
Six in-the-hoop quilted panels to make a glasses or phone case with a snap closure using a metal tape measure. The case is fully lined, with no exposed seams and resulting in a professionally constructed bag.
Warning: Finishing does require some quick and simple basic sewing. Why? Because you need to insert a metal tape measure, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to risk hitting that with my embroidery machine!
You’ll stitch one panel for the front and second for the back. Each of the 6 panel designs provides a different quilting motif: 4 glasses and two basic quilting. Mix and match as you choose!
Since the glasses designs are also quilting, or outline style, to get them filled in like the photo, you’ll need to color them somehow (paint, ink, colored pencil, glitter glue – your choice).
Designed and made by Lindee Goodall (4/28/2016)