3D Flower Corsages

Project Description
I wore two of these flower corsages when I taped one of my Craftsy classes. I’ve hot-glued magnets on the back to make them easy to wear on anything – even a leather jacket!
When you first get your embroidery machine, you may just go crazy stitching designs all over the place. Embroidery can really up the visual impact of a garment, which can be a good thing and a not so good thing.
The not so good is that it makes your garment more memorable (“Didn’t you just wear that?”) and less versatile.
Embroidery that you can wear like a pin or brooch is much more flexible. I can attach a flower to a hat, a dress, or even things I would never put under the needle, like my favorite leather (faux or “fo”-real) bag or garment.
I embellished my rose by flicking on some paint over the edges of the petals for a more interesting look. Full instructions on that technique are included.
You may also notice these flowers are not fill stitched. Instead, the petals and leaves are lightly detailed with finished edges. This makes the corsages much faster to stitch.
Designed and made by Lindee Goodall (4/9/2014)